Friday, September 10, 2010

most recent iphone dumps

periodically i try to dump all of my iphone pics on to my computer - here are a few of the latest:

maggie after being picked up from school - shaving her legs in the front seat before heading out to the golf course - evidently you can't swing a club with stubbly legs!

tim and BFF michaela getting comfy while I shopped at the container store

Sprout and Charlie were supposed to be helping me get Tim out of bed - but they decided to join him instead!

Classic Gran and Papa (tommy's folks) taking a little nap in their green room.
Gran just had heart surgery - I wonder what Papa's excuse is?
I LOVE that they both have their mouths wide open!

Sprouts latest kill - we were having trouble figuring out what it was...
until we took a closer look and found a little foot and a jaw - front teeth still in tact! We are guessing mouse!


Stefanie said...

FUNNY pictures!! LOVE the mouths hanging that going to be us in the future? Sprout is such a huntress! I'm scared of her and GROSS!!

Stefanie said...

Oh I LOVE the pictures of the animals in bed with Tim...SO cute!

Leighana said...

dry shaving on the go- i've totally done that before... painful. and ew..your dog killed that mouse? and ATE it? animals are crazy!