This is Maggie, Brian & Haley on Sunday night - hanging out inside until it got close enough to midnight to pile on the trampoline ( in the 40 degree temperatures) to watch the lunar eclipse and see the red moon.
This is Brian, Maggie & Haley all nestled in their sleeping bags ready to watch the eclipse from the trampoline on Sunday night
Yes - I said Sunday night - and yes, the eclipse was actually on Monday night!
Who was more stupid - Haley, for telling us it was on Sunday? or Brian & Maggie for believing her without checking the facts on the Internet?
Thanks to Tim for finally setting them straight!
(after they had FROZEN out on that trampoline!)
He thought they were all idiots!
Lunar eclipse and red moon watch party, Round 2!
Monday night - Ben joined the ranks out on the trampoline (in much nicer weather, but still pretty chilly) to await the big event.
at about 1:40 in the morning they finally got to see the eclipse!
(don't check my timeline please! I'm close to being right, I'm sure!)
then they saw the red moon at nearly 3:00 a.m.- Maggie slept through everything in between!

I love this next pic - they were all so tired from a worthless late night the night before - then a full day of six flags - that they were not entirely impressed with the moon!
Ben looks drunk - Brian is disappointed - Maggie is saying "I woke up for that?" - and Haley is sad that the aliens didn't beam them up like they do on t.v!
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