I notice on my blog visitor list, that several of you have checked in looking for news - Sorry... I really don't have any!
I haven't taken any great pics lately - and other than a weekend trip to San Antonio to visit Nana and Pa, there has been no excitement around here. Tim got the flu while we were out of town - I got bronchitis soon after, Tommy as usual had his nose to the grindstone (thanks babe) and poor Maggie had the worst thing of all - SEMESTER EXAMS! Here are some random pics from the last two weeks:
This is my mom and dad - it had been a cold nasty, rainy day - mom had just gotten over a few weeks of the flu or something horrible, and she recently had cataract surgery. How cute does she look anyway?!
Tim and his friend Ben at Restoration Hardware - they were FREAKIN' EXCITED to be there!!!
Poor Ben - Tim also started running a 104 temp. about an hour after this was taken - his San Antonio trip was not very fun - Sorry Ben!
I actually had planned on taking the kids to the zoo the following day - Tim thought everyone should go anyway and he would just stay at home with Nana - but Ben vetoed that idea, saying he didn't feel good about leaving Tim behind - he said the zoo would not be as fun without "a little bit of hyper!" Now, that is a good friend!

Tim had been washing his hands - well, he was a bit distracted by the magical soap bubbles!
mag and a few friends working on the monster Chemistry review packet - they looked just like this for HOURS!!
and finally - Sprout killed yet another mouse - nothing unusual, but this one had babies. She was kind enough not to eat them - she just pulled them out and left them alone - she sure is a sweet kitty!
My little animal activist, Tim, of course was mortified! I actually thought it was kind of cool - seriously, click on one of the pics to enlarge and check how cool their little forming bodies look!
I love Ben's track suit.
seriously - he had on stretchy pants underneath!
I'm with Tim; the mouse babies are a little disturbing....lol.
Those mouse babies were really cool although very sad that they lost their lives before they even began.
I can't imagine being a high school student again. Mad props to Maggie and her friends!
Hope you all are feeling much better! I'm ready for spring.
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