Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Mush

Thanksgiving break was mostly quiet around here - a few friends, a few movies and games, and tons of relaxing! (I have read 5 books in this past week alone!)
Here are some of the pics that I randomly shot - nothing great, in no particular order.
Just a Thanksgiving Mush of shots.
Unfortunately, there are more of Mag - Tim is very sly, and always manages to get himself just out of my shot right before I snap the pic! Maggie on the other hand, indulges me a lot more!

mag and a few friends
with Leighana

with Camie, Leighana and Scottie

Mag, Cam and Leighana on the roof of the barn

maggie's first flat tire

Not thrilled to wake up to that!

practicing her parking in the high school lot

Tim is NOT happy to be along for the ride!

just chillin' while she waits for a friend

Our unconventional Thanksgiving Dinner!!
We decided to spend the holiday alone this year - and enjoy the quiet!
Since we didn't have anyone to please but ourselves, we all had our favorites - as opposed to a traditional feast. We did have a Ham and some of the sides that go along with it too.
My homemade vegan potstickers and ponzu sauce - YUMMY!!!

Tommy made red beans and rice!

Tim chose his favorite Chicken Pillows!

and Maggie made Cheesy, garlic mashed potatoes.

Actually, she boiled them too long and ended up with Cheesy, garlic mashed potato soup - It was still delicious!

We played A LOT of Skip Bo

looking a bit smug - he ALWAYS wins!

Tim on a roll - throwing those cards down one right after the other!

Zacks lucky hand!

Mag and Zack WOULD NOT take a decent pic - They have been friends too long - they have become too much alike! I kept trying, but finally gave up - jerks.

Time to put up Christmas lights outside!

Tommy gave Tim the Sucker job - untangling each strand!

Yep - he loves that job!!

Proud of herself for climbing up and touching the roof - the girl Loves roller coasters and danger, but hates ladders! Weird!

BFF Haley and maggie made it to the roof!!

trying to look cool - but really terrified of falling!

tommy hanging lights - he's not scared at all - which scares me! I'd be more comfortable if he had a little fear, for safety's sake!

at last - feeling brave!

I just thought this pic was funny! I guess she must have been pulling up her pants?

My kids - I LOVED having them home for a whole week!


eva said...

cute pics! what are chicken pillows?

The Burnetts said...

Sounds like a quiet and relaxing holiday. I love chicken pillows and potstickers. What a non-traditional dinner. I will have to keep it in mind. I like that everyone helped prepare their favortie thing.

Stefanie said...

LOVE the picture of Haley and Maggie scared on the roof with a bit of Tommy's butt in there....HOT!!

Leighana said...

i LOVE that me and maggie are holding hands. haha. too bad i had been at the ranch all day and my hair was a mess. pahah. next time ill be sure to be camera-beautiful.

looks like you guys had a FUNN thanksgiving. lucky forney kids, getting the WHOLLEE week off!

Kristi said...

Those are fun pics, especially the barn one, I liked that one. At Christmas my mom always cooks our fave dish and we forgo the traditional dinner. It's fun! Liked that Haley is wearing her hair curly in those pics too. What are chicken pillows? They looked yummy.

amber said...

omg do not call him Camie....he is not a girl.
cute pic tho