I don't know about you, but in our house, we LOVE Halloween!
We especially love carving the pumpkins!
We don't really do anything fancy, just plain old jack o' lantern faces are our favorite.
Take a look:
maggie, justin, and tim all in deep crafty concentration.
This is very serious business.
notice Tims lights in the background? he worked really hard setting those up! Tim did most of our decorating this year - it looks awesome. The inside has a cool halloween tree, and spider & pumpkin lights outline our down stairs windows! I think he may have found his calling!

tommy thinks that just because he put a knife in his pumpkin, that it qualifies as scary...
then he saw how scared i was holding my pumpkin - and he learned what 'frightening' REALLY is!
Justin's is on fire!!
Tim didn't exactly follow the lines he originally drew on his pumpkin - but i think it is much more creepy this way!
Maggie's 5 eyed masterpiece!
tim setting fire to pumpkin parts - he tried to light up EVERYTHING!
He should be a pyromaniac for halloween!
tommy and jenni
we are a cute couple, huh?!
Yummy roasted seeds!
(tip - the big, coarse black pepper was the key to delicious seeds this year)
The Wright's
We were SO SCARED by all of these jack o' lanterns!
Even little Charlie looks terrified!
fun! i like the one's with knifes in them! can you really eat pumkin seens? like the whole thing?
Jenni your pumpkin really looks like you!
Love it. I love all the memories you make with and for your children. They will love you forever because of that.
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