Sunday, January 24, 2010

Potato Pants explained

For those who were upset about me not explaining - it's really not that interesting, but here goes...

We were making dinner- mashed potatoes were on the menu. I wanted to make sure that they tasted good before I put them on the table, and so I scooped up a spoonful to try. I little glob fell off of the spoon and went down my shirt. I shook out my shirt and assumed that it had fallen to the floor and been gobbled up by charlie.
Later, when I went to the restroom, there was my missing glob of potatoes - it had snaked it's way down my shirt and into my pants. I can honestly say, I have never had potatoes in my panties before! I feel as if I am a member of an elite club now!

See? Not really that interesting. It's not even very funny anymore, but it was on the day I posted it!

1 comment:

Leighana said...

hahahaha. still funny.

hmm. "the potato panties club"