Monday, February 23, 2009

Notorious T.I.M.

A few nights ago I asked Tim to jump in the shower and get ready for bed - our usual routine. He did get showered, however he had a little trouble with the get ready for bed part!

Instead, he came out of the bathroom ready to put on a little show for me - He felt I needed a lesson in what it means to be Chris Brown!

This is a bit of what I saw... clearly,
'he knows what girls want, he knows what they like!'

This is his favorite of the videos we took that night - I loved the outtakes, but he thought they were embarrassing - not cool enough for the blog. They really are hilarious!
(Pause my playlist and lean your head to the left)

He's a GANGSTA baby!


Stefanie said...

He TRULY is "Notorious T.I.M.!!


TheRobertsonClan said...

That is awesome... What a great dancer he is!!!! you go tim!!!

Sariah said...

Ok, love the little break dancin' at the end! What can I say? I'm a product of the 80's?!?! LOVE IT!