Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is just a quick "TIM"blog.

He made a new purchase, said something that I found really witty, and was just cute this week!

I took the kids out for some photos earlier in the week and Tim wasn't willing to stop listening to his music for even a second! P.S. How cute is he?!

This is what I found after I asked him to sort his laundry for me! Yep - he's my big helper!

Helping me make Maggie's favorite dinner for her -

Her braces were making her teeth hurt and she needed the soft yumminess of some Chicken Pillows!

(OK - I take back the sarcasm from the previous photo!)

Tim's big purchase - He loves his new shoes!

Tim's witty comeback:

Tim in the very back of the Suburban - Maggie's friend Josh in the last row seat (in front of Tim)with all of his school stuff piled up next to him -

Tim trying to climb over to get in a seat and get buckled up -

Tim: "Josh, move over"

Josh: "No"

Tim: "Josh, come on - move over"

Josh: "No, I'm not moving"

Tim: "Josh! MOVE!"

Josh: "Just climb over me!"

Tim -climbing over Josh to next seat: "Fine - Rosa Parks!"

Maggie and Me: DYING LAUGHING!! Ha Ha! Tim is so funny!

I love you, Tim!


Carlie said...

bahahah!! I laughed hard when I read this!

Now that we are devoting entire blogs to people I think Carlie Freakin Gilbert needs a blog about her.

Stefanie said...

That made me laugh the first time you told me and it makes me laugh reading it again! TOO FUNNY!!

Jared and Lindsey said...

That is too funny! He is hilarious! I love the pictures! He is so handsome!

Sariah said...

Tim is a cute boy. Loved the Rosa Park comment! Little smartie pants!