Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 Year in Review

I really should have done this before the year was actually over, but I just didn't get to it. Since I started this blog so late in the year, I have TOO MANY things to include in my "Year in Review", so I am just going to put in a few things that each of us found memorable.

First - In March Timothy turned 8 and was baptized! I know he is my son, so I naturally feel like it was a special time - but it really was one of the most spiritual baptisms that I have ever been too. I cried (a lot), Nana cried, Tim cried, even a non-member friend felt the spirit and cried! Michael Trammel and Lauren Spurgeon sang 'Love is Spoken Here', Maggie gave a talk, Nana gave a talk, and Tommy Baptized him. Nana told him in her talk that he was going to be a great man one day and that he would "soar like an eagle". He will! He is a kind, wise, wonderful little man.

Gran and Tim

April was started off hard at our house. Our beloved Lindy passed away. She was 9 years old. She developed a fast growing tumor on her spleen that we didn't know about until it was much too late. She fainted while I was taking her for a walk one day. I got her to the vet right away where we discovered the tumor and her heart enlarged to five times its normal size. She was gone the next day. Things we loved about her - Lindy was a beautiful dog. A Border Collie/Australian Shepard mix with a quiet and humble personality. She was afraid of the wind and thought she was still small enough to fit in our laps! She was ever obedient and never failed to try to please us. The only time she would get crazy was when the kids ran too fast, or got too close to the fence - then she would nip their ankles and push them with her head, in an attempt to herd them - as was her instinct!It was very funny! She never caught on to any tricks except shake - which she wanted to do constantly! She would always bow her head apologetically when Tim cried whether it was her fault or not. We will love her forever.


Mothers Day was nice - the kids gave me exactly what I wanted - they let me take their photographs without complaining! We just went out to Windmill Farms (by Maggie's middle school) and shot a few pics in between the quick downpours of rain! We actually got some good ones despite the 'sunny one minute, rainy the next' weather.


Summer was packed full of activities as usual. Right off the bat, maggie and I went again to Girls Camp in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. It was alot of fun, super hot, draining and wonderful! Cousins Lindsey and Rebecca came with our ward this year and we are happy that they did! We had so much fun in our cabin, (as is evident by our YouTube video!) and enjoyed our girl time! Tommy and Tim hung out together the week we were gone. Tim actualy loves going to the office with tommy everday!


Tim attended Horse Camp this year at the Bingham Ranch in Crandall, Tx. He REALLY LOVED riding and just being in that environment! I am afraid of horses, but not Tim! He is so calm and natural around them. I was proud of how he handled himself around those big horses!


Each year we try to spend a bit of time in San Antonio during the summer since the kids don't get to see Nana and Pa often. It is also a nice mini vacation. Tommy was unable to go this time, so we invited a few friends. Tim's friend was not able to come, but mine and Maggie's did. Michael Trammell and Maggie's long time bestie, Zack Brooks. We did all of the typical tourist stuff in S.A. - the Alamo, Natural Bridge Caverns, floated down the River in inner tubes, etc. Then we drove down to Corpus Christi. We didn't realize that Hurricane Dolly was going to strike on our 2nd day as hard as she did! We were stuck in the condo, so we made our own fun - a video that I will post later. (watch for it - it is SO worth the wait!)We did have a full day in the water at Port Aransas and got to go crabbing. Zack and I ate like royalty that night! WE LOVE CRABS! We ended up spending two super fun weeks, but we really missed Tommy.

Tim became a daddy twice this year! His first born - a black dwarf bunny that he named Lila B. is a sweet girl. He visited the bunny farm several times before deciding on her. Tim had more than one discussion with Tommy about responsibility before adopting her. Tim is an animal lover to the core!

His next baby - Sprout the kitten - showed up at our doorstep and just never left! We tried to find a home for her, but she got very sick and we had to get her well before we could pass her along. Then she got a little boyfriend, so we had to take her to be spayed before we ended up with more kittens. After two expensive vet visits so far, we decided that she better not ever leave! I don't know how we ended up with 4 animals (tommy doesn't like pets and swore we would never have anymore) but Tommy really likes this latest addition to our bunch. Sprout is so affectionate that she immediately steels your heart! Tim took her name from a fortune cookie - the "lucky word" on the back was beansprout!

In saying that we now have a bunny and a kitten, let me also mention how careful we have to be with those two particular pets. Let me explain with a picture...

Yes, this is what is left of the bunny that Sprout brought home for us! Well, there was also an ear, but she gulped that down before I could take a pic of it! So, we have to be VERY careful with sweet Lila B. and our kitten! (this is Tim's favorite highlight!)


September took us down to San Antonio again because my brother Steve came for a visit! That doesn't happen often, so we all got together for a family snapshot. We had a great time hanging out with Steve and Mark. We wish we could see them more often. Thanks Zack, for going with us to take the picture


Halloween is a major holiday in the Wright house! That is because of Maggie. You see, Maggie dresses up ALL THE TIME, I'm talking about almost daily, just to entertain herself! I thought she would grow out of this weird habit, but she is 14 and still doing it! So, Halloween is the one day a year when she can put on a costume and it is normal! The problem is, this is a very expensive habit and it seems to cost more and more as she gets older! This year Tim was Racer X from Speed Racer, I was a Hunchback with a bulgy eye, Charlie was a Pig, and Maggie was a Fa-wee Pwinthess (Maggie's version of a Fairy Princess !) Tommy didn't dress up because he is a party pooper!


And that brings me to where I started this blog! It has been a great 2008 for our family and we feel so blessed - no, really - We have thought a lot in the past several weeks about all of the things that we have to be grateful for, and there are too many to count. I pray that 2009 will be just as good for us, and that we can live our lives worthy of all the blessings we hope to receive. We never want to be caught being ungrateful to our Heavenly Father. We are lucky to have each other and we love one another so much. We all love our Heavenly Father and have a strong testimony of him, of His Son, all that he has done on our behalf, and in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A few things that we wanted to document that we don't have great pictures of:

Maggie turned 14, Tommy turned 44, Jenni turned 37. Maggie dyed her hair hot pink for the summer, Tim dyed a blue star on the side of his head! Tim got glasses. Tommy and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. We remodeled a lot of the house (wood floors, built Maggie a living room - pics to come upon completion)

Check out the slide for more random "year in review" shots.

Also, see Maggie's blog on my blog list to the right, "Moments with Maggie"


Carlie said...

I loved this! We need to havea dress up party, everyone needs to bring all their stuff and we can put on a fashion show! Girls camp was so fun!! Can't wait until next year, for sure ill be over 4th years even tho ill have to walk ALL THE WAY down that tick filled hill to those lovely tents.

I loves this blog I think I might have to do one similar!

Stefanie said...

I felt like I was reliving the year all over again. I need to get on the ball and get my year in review done.

Ok the picture of Tim on the first day of homescooling makes me laugh!!hahahaa...more like first day of vacation! hahahaaa!!!

Love ya Jenni Wright

TheRobertsonClan said...

Jennie I truly enjoyed seeing how ya'll year was.. What a great idea!! ya'll are awesome~!!!!

eva said...

What a great post! You are so on the ball!

The Texas Links said...

Love this post!! My Fave--the bunny head. Hilarious!! You have a great a beautiful family. We love you guys.

Sariah said...

This is a great post with awesome pictures to boot! I tried doing this one year and it was just too much time and work to put together (I'm lazy!) I give you props! Kudos! This is the stuff blog books were made for!